Today I wish to share my thought on what are the most important things in life (in order of importance):
(1) Health
Without health and fitness, we cannot live a good life and all other things become meaningless.
(2) Conscience (Integrity, honesty, peace loving, fairness etc.)
Conscience will ensure we have the right values that govern what we do and act and the results of our action will determine whether or not our life is good.
(3) Wisdom
Wisdom will ensure we set the right priority in life and lead a good and fulfilling life.
(4) Happiness
Happiness is what we all want. Happy life is good life.
(5) Family (Love, care, share, respect, appreciate, compassion, responsible)
Without love of family, life will be a lonely journey and incomplete.
(6) Social/friend (Love, care, share, respect, appreciate, compassion, responsible)
Without friendship and social life, life will be still lacking of something and bored.
(7) Achievement/Satisfaction (Discipline, perseverance, attitude, contribution, knowledge etc.)
This will give us sense of satisfaction and hence happiness such as winning a competition and receive award/recognition in the field of interest.
(8) Knowledge
Knowledge is required for us to surpass our own achievement, time and again
(9) Enjoyment / Excitement (eat, play, hobby, leisure, recreation, intimate moment with loved one etc.)
Add the little joy and pleasure in life.
(10) Material possession & pleasure (money, big house, luxury lifestyle etc.)
This is the last in my list but it is still important as the topping of a good life.
Point to ponder:
Money is the least important of the ten most important things in life. But yet with adequate money, it can enhance our health (ensure proper health care, health supplements, suitable medical treatment etc.); it can ensure our family's needs are taken care of; it can finance our social activities; it can ensure certain degree of happiness; it can help us in acquiring of knowledge through education, attending talks etc.; it can provide for leisure, recreation time etc.; it can buy us material possession and pleasure. In summary, money helps in seven of the ten most important things in life.
Let's all set our life priorities right and lead a balance life. Cheers for LG.