Saturday, April 25, 2009

My (Simple) Wish List

I am a simple man.

I lead a simple life.

I have a simple wish list. Below is my wish list (random, not in any order of importance or priority):

1) I want to exercise three times a week. Preferably one badminton session, one jogging session and one swimming session.
2) I want to read at least a book every month.
3) I want to write and publish my blog post regularly and read my friend's blogs.
4) I want to spend more time with my family.
5) I want to call my mum who stays in my home town more often.
6) I want to do some gardening work every weekend.
7) I want to pick up new hobbies like photography and golfing.
8) I want to watch selected football matches over weekend.
9) I want to watch more Astro programs with my family such as Animal Planet, Axian and other documentaries.
10) I want to spend some time helping/teaching my kids in their studies.
11) I want to visit my friends more often.
12) I want to interact more often with my neighbours and be more active in community work.
13) I want to help my wife to tidy up our house to be always neat and tidy.
14) I want to perform reasonably well in my work and ensure my project is under good control.
15) I want to have quality leisure time occasionally such as a nice vacation away from city bustle.
16) I want to organize simple barbecue session with relatives/friends and enjoy some red wines occasionally.
17) I want my family to be happy.

These are my simple wishes. Some I have managed to do but some I have not. I will continue to simplify my lifestyle so that I could fulfil all of the wishes.


  1. When you plan for item [16], do give me a call, then maybe i can organize a trip to attend with your special someone in item [5]. How about that??


    p/s: LLP will be there too, most probably, eh?? :-P

  2. It's my pleasure if you don't mind the distance. haha.

  3. 咦?这次没有顺风车了吗?? :-P

  4. 身为人母还很感性哦. 你几时要写你的部落格?

  5. 部落格... 我有。

  6. Tell me your blog's address. I could give my comment/feedback. 我觉得部落格是随意的, 无所谓有没有看头.


Your comment will brighten up the blog here....

Life's Sayings

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, it goes on. (Robert Frost)

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill)