Monday, October 5, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect is a simple magic formula that leads us to excel in whatever we pursue. The number of times we repeat an action is always directly proportional to our skill in doing that act. It’s that simple!

Imagine how many times a toddler falls down and climbs up while learning to walk.

I remember, at the age of around 5-6 years old, I played badminton for the first time in front of my childhood house with my cousin, what we could do properly only was to serve but not to return the shuttlecock. As a result, the one who served would definitely win a point, and the one who was on the receiving end would definitely lose a point. After failing to return the shuttlecock for numerous times, and for the subsequent days that followed, we finally improve on the skill and could play a mini rally, even though it was played on the bare land.

When I was a young adult, I picked up snooker with some friends and the scenario is the same, the more we practice the better we became in playing the game.

I guess this is the formula that will work for all, regardless of whether we are picking up a new sport or game, or are engaged in creative work like photography, writing or painting.


  1. 100% 赞同,共勉之。。。

  2. yes agree practice makes perfect, and not to forget lack of practice will make you rusty too.. :)

  3. 只要多练习,凡事都能驾轻就熟,不专业也变成专业,嘻嘻。。。

  4. jin1shu3,

    Looking at things from the opposite perspective is one of the practices of Taoism, by understanding the opposite, we get to achieve what we intend to achieve better...

    Simple theory that yields effective result...



  5. I agree. Practice, practice and practice. There's no short cut.

  6. 木兰,

    Mei Teng,
    Ya, knowing this, we'll have more confidence in picking up new hobby....


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Life's Sayings

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, it goes on. (Robert Frost)

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill)