Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

Date: 27-April-09, Monday

I read about the news of Swine Flu from Straits Times while having breakfast at Payar Lebar Hawker Center. My colleague was asking whether my trip to Houston would be cancelled. I was not sure as the trip was a business trip arranged by the headquarter of our group of companies. There were 80 death cases in Mexico and 20 confirmed cases in US.

Date: 28-April-09, Tuesday

The Swine Flu caught more serious attention. 100 death cases reported in Mexico and 40 confirmed cases in US. Although Singapore and Malaysia still were not affected, the Ministry of Health had taken precautionary measures and warned the public to adhere to basic hygienic practices. As there was no cancellation of the Offshore Technology Conference scheduled to take place in Houston from 4~7-May-09, we was not sure whether or not our trip there would be cancelled. My worried wife bought me a full bottle of Shaklee Vitamin C to bring along. Slightly panic, she also went to clinic to reserve the last pack of flu vaccine for me.

Date: 29-April-09, Wednesday

World Health Organization maintained the alert level at 4 while local (Singapore) alert level is yellow. Our Marketing GM called us for a meeting telling us that our Chaiman had decided to cancel our trip to Houston. This decision was made despite the fact that the organizer maintain to continue with the event. What a relief!

Date: 30-April-09, Thursday

The WHO's alert level was raised to 5 while the local authority raised it to orange. One death case was reported in Texas.

Up to now the number of confirmed cases is still on the rise and we can only hope that it will get under control as soon as possible.

I feel good now because our trip to Houston had been cancelled. Imagine the worry not only when we are there, but after we have come back the people around us also must be dead worry whether or not we have been infected.

I also feel good about the decision of our company to place more interest in our health/safety over the business event.

Lastly I wish to express my appreciation to my wife who showed the concerns and help in all the preparation before the cancellation of my trip.


  1. I wish I could read yalls language. I love the tip: Life is a choice. Everyone has the freedom to choose. Your choice will determine the quality of your life.... I never thought of it that way. Thanks for making my outlook more broader

  2. Hi Haley,
    1)Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment.
    2)In my country we use four main languages, i.e. Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil (for our Indian friends).
    3)This thought of mine makes my life simpler/happier and less complicated.


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Life's Sayings

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, it goes on. (Robert Frost)

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill)