
The fun of playing with a DSLR camera is the wide choices of lenses available for different effects and results.
After playing with the macro lens for sometime, where close-up details of photogenic bugs and flowers not usually noticeable with our naked eyes could be presented for our viewing pleasure, coupled with the nicely blurred background achieved with wide aperture setting and the short focal length, an ultra-wide angle lens provides a totally opposite and fresh perspective with its all clear and wide view of the scene in front of the photographer.
I love macro photography where I can spend the whole morning in my neighborhood garden capturing subjects ranging from bugs, plants, to dews and corroded nails etc., but a new ultra-wide angle lens makes me yearning to go out to places where I can capture landscape shots with a much wider angle of view. I guess I will end up travelling to more places with this lens.
I wish to share a few recent photographs taken with my Canon EF-S 10-22mm lens. The first two are the blue hour shots taken at Danga Bay, Johor Bahru, while the last two are the golden hour shots taken at a public park near my residence.