Thursday, December 16, 2010

太鲁阁 (Taroko Gorge)



太鲁阁国家公园范围极为广大,因为时间关系,我们只参观了长春飞瀑与砂卡礑步道(Shakadang Trail)一带九牛一毛的风景,不能尽兴而归。

相片中红桥(图一)左边有一座阶梯,往下走就到达砂卡礑步道的入口( 图二)。在步道中行走,沿途可观赏左边幽美的峡谷河床,及右边和头上的岩石壁(图三)。这里的溪水清澈蔚蓝(图四),令人有下去嬉水的冲动。


As a nature lover, Taroko Gorge National Park is one of the places in Taiwan that I appreciate best. Unfortunately due to time constraint, we only managed to visit very few places of the national park. Below is some brief introduction of the photos taken around the place.

At one end of the red bridge (photo 1), there is a staircase that leads us down to the entrance of the Shakadang trail (photo 2). This trail is built along the river cliff so travelers can easily observe both the rock folds and plant ecosystem beside in the river valley (photo 3). The pool with clear blue water here is so enchanting (photo 4) I feel like going down for a swim.

The Eternal Spring Shrine and the waterfall (photo 5) present a scenic view to visitors. Near to the Amithaba Rock (photo 6), there is a Guanyin Cave (photo 7) built to commemorate the 226 personnel (military veterans) who died during the construction of the Central Cross-Island Highway. At the surrounding of the Eternal Spring Shrine, there are some nicely built shelters, stairs and natural stream of water (photo 8) that flows down from the mountain.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

日月潭 (Sun Moon Lake)



既然已到来,当然不能空手而回。于是就尝试用不同程度的白平衡 (White Balance) 拍摄了不少的相片。


Sun Moon Lake is one of the most scenic places of Taiwan. It is a heaven for a photography enthusiast like me.

I experimented with different White Balance setting to obtain different feel. The effect of different temperature setting towards the final image is amazingly vast, as can be seen in the images shown above.

My personal preference is a little colder temperature that gives rise to a bluish scene. However, overusing the white balance also will give rise to an artificial feel that many people dislike and try to avoid. This obviously is down to personal liking.

Do you mind to share which of the photographs above do you like the most?

Friday, December 3, 2010

早晨的月亮 (Morning Moon)






The breathtaking view from the balcony of our hotel in Taitung in the early morning inspired me to start taking photos even before I washed up.

Since trying up shooting in RAW (instead of JPEG) format recently, I have been craving for more and the view in front of me presented with just such a golden opportunity.

The beauty of the morning moon overlooking the scenic environment prompted me to wish that I could be here forever.

With the full control over the white balance for RAW format, I am able to bring out the rich blue tone of the sky and the mountain that I prefer (over warmer color), hence freezing the moment and the scenic view forever electronically….

Life's Sayings

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, it goes on. (Robert Frost)

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill)