Thursday, January 9, 2014

南怡島 (Namisum Island)

南怡島,位於韩国首尔東方63公里的一個小島,隸屬於江源道,是在1944年興建清平水库時,江水淹沒而形成的半月狀島嶼。許多南韓的偶像劇都曾在此取景,比較為人熟識的是2002年播放由裴勇俊崔智友主演的冬季戀歌小島得名源於南怡將軍(1441-1468)李氏朝鮮第七代王朝時期,南怡將軍平定叛亂有功,27岁官封兵曹判书,但世祖死后睿宗登基,将军受逆贼诬陷,于28岁英年早逝,死後埋骨島上。[维基百科 ]





Namisum is a tiny half-moon shaped island located in Chuncheon, South Korea, formed as it was inundated by the rising water of the North Han River as the result of the construction of Cheongpyeong Dam 1944. Its name originated from General Nami  who died at the age of 28 after being falsely accused of treason during the reign of King Sejo, the seventh king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. Although his grave wasn't discovered, there were a pile of stones where his body was supposed to be buried. It was believed that if someone took even one stone from there, it would bring misfortune to their house. A tour company arranged the grave with soil and then developed Namisum into an amusement park. [Wikipedia]

This is an ideal place for landscape photography, I was deeply in love with the autumn scene here and really wish to stay here for at least a night instead of just stopping by for two hours.

The photos here are the scenes in the island that I like, the first two were shot with Canon EF16-35mm f/2.8L II lens while the third one was shot with my Canon 100mm f/2.8L IS macro lens.

Life's Sayings

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, it goes on. (Robert Frost)

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill)